Once Upon a Carnival, Wimberly Theater / Moonbox Productions
OtherWise, Harvard Dance Center / Ilya Vidrin and the Davis Center
Dad Don’t Read This, Loading Dock Theater NYC / The Goat Exchange
Manic Monologues, Arrow Street Arts Studio / Moonbox Productions
Legally Blonde, Roberts Studio Theater / Moonbox Productions
Chatham House Rules, Pleasance Bunker One (Edinburgh) / The Goat Echange
Deadclass Ohio, New Ohio Theater / The Goat Exchange
honeyhole, Virginia Wymberly Theater / Moonbox Productions
House of Ramon Iglesia, Mosesian Center for the Arts / Moonbox Productions
Falling Together, Farkas Hall / Harvard TDM & Laura Coe
Wait/Weight, Harvard Dance Center / North Atlantic Ballet Company & Ilya Vidrin
Jason, Crescent @ Vault Festival / The Goat Exchange
Torch Song, Roberts Studio Theater / Moonbox Productions
Something Rotten, Loeb Drama Center / Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club
Chinatown My Chinatown, Harvard S*ckl*r Annex / Harvard TDM & Shirley Chen
Cat on a Hot Tin Room, Provincetown Town Hall / The Goat Exchange
Memonica, DOT @ Here Arts Center / The Goat Exchange
QUEENS, BCA Plaza / Moonbox Productions
Marriage or MADE, Farkas Hall / Harvard TDM & Stevie Walker-Webb
NIGHTTOWN, Sanders Theater / Lowell House Opera & Benjy Wenzelberg
Shimcheong (Reading, now known as Dive), Loeb Drama Center / Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club & Julia Riew
Gruesome Playground Injuries, Streaming / ISLE Theater
Jack and the Beanstalk, Streaming / American Repertory Theater
A Streetcar Named Desire, Farkas Hall / Harvard TDM & The Goat Exchange
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